Our Ministries
Sandy Branch Baptist Church has many ministries that help aid our community. Below is a list of just a portion of the ministries that provide help during the year. If you would like information on any of the ministries feel free to contact us and we will give you as much information as we possibly can.
For God is not unfair. He will not forget how hard you have worked for him and how you have shown your love to him by caring for other Christians, as still do.
~Hebrews 6:10

The 5/52 ministry donates $5.00 a week for 52 weeks. The money donated is designated for church plants.
The Brotherhood ministry takes up donations that help with our community. They donations help with assistance for repairs and emergency items.

Busy Hands
This is a time for women’s fellowship as we meet together. Through our Busy Hands ministry, we make items that will be used by the homeless, Cancer Center patients, and Dialysis patients in our area. If you are working on a personal project feel free to bring it with you and just be with us. We need all hands. Come be with us. We meet on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays at 10:00 am in the activities building.

Hope for Appalachia
Hope for Appalachia is a ministry that provides a hope box to Children of Appalachia region. $20 provides a hope box containing school supplies, hygiene products, toys, and more. When receiving the hope boxes the children they will hear the story of Easter.

Outreach- Chatham Central High School
We provide an outreach to the students of Chatham Central High School. We host a fifth quarter after the home football games. We also serve at the open house for the school. We help support the staff and the students in many different ways.

Bundles of Hope
Our Bundles of Hope ministry is an outreach to our community. Babies we all know are full of joy and life, but can be stressful as well, particularly when finances are tight. Consider donating money, diapers, or wipes. Please be in prayer for the families that receive our bundles of hope. If you have any questions, please contact Shelby Isley.

Our Fuel-Up ministry is currently serving J.S. Waters, Silk Hope Elementary, and Chatham Central High School. $20 provides for one month of food for one student. You can also donate plastic bags, but we ask you to please double bag them first to assist in the bagging process. Bags are assembled on Wednesday nights at 7:45 pm. If you are interested in helping with this ministry, please see Joel Isley.

Ora B. Byerly
The Ora B. Byerly ministry named after Ora B. Byerly a previous President of the group. Once a month the ministry meets and the participate in community missions, that include sending cards to the sick and shut-in, make items to donate to the homeless and local shut-ins, make and donate hygiene bags for homeless, donate toiletry items to local hospitals, and make mats for the homeless.

Prayer Shawl Ministry & Healing Toboggan Ministry
The Sunshine Sunday School Class and the Ora B. Byerly Mission Groups are joining together to form the Prayer Shawl Ministry for women and the Healing Toboggan Ministry for men. These items are all handmade. If you would like to help with this project or know of someone in need of a Prayer Shawl or toboggan, please see a member of either group.